Dota 2: EHOME beats Invictus Gaming by 2-0 in DPC

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EHOME claims its clean victory by 2-0 against Invictus Gaming in Dota 2 DPC. Initially, Invictus Gaming was leading, unfortunately, the tour ended up being lost from the season.

Dota 2 invites its fans worldwide to stay tuned with the Dota Pro Circuit (DPC) tournament starting on 5th January 2023. The contest honors China for inaugurating the start of the regional play. There are other five regions as well

Dota 2: Dota Pro Circuit (DPC) – EHOME kicks off Invictus Gaming

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Gamers and fans worldwide demand new roasters and skills in the tournament and the contest has surely lived up to its name. Invictus Gaming, the household that was demoted to division-I last year, ended up receiving the same status as last time.

Recap – Match 1

In the initial phase of the game, Invictus Gaming (IG) and EHOME were almost on par with each other, having equally strategized roasters. However, the EHOME proved their superior skills over the Invictus.

All of the towers of IG were taken down by EHOME within 20 minutes of the mark. Even though some of the players of IG gave a tough fight to the former, but the duos of EHOME took all over the IG and the game was over within 32 minutes.

Recap – Match 2

Match 2 was not the same as match 1, the IGs were leading the match in the opening. Meanwhile, match 2 seems lacking in strategy as both parties were on the hunt for mere kills.

Invictus Gaming took the opportunity to dominate the contest, however, the EHOME’s leader and co-leader were too good with their actions and finished their rivals. The trail was over in 39 minutes, IGs being finished with all towers.

In Conclusion

This was just the first match in the tournament in Division-I which was almost breathtaking, in which the Chinese team kicked off the latter. The second series of battles were being fought between PSG.LGD and Dawn Gaming.