Earlier today, Team Liquid defeated TNC Pro Team 3-2 in a closely contested series. This victory almost guarantees Team Liquid a direct invite to TI7.
The first game of the series started with Liquid stomping TNC Pro Team in a one sided match. The second game saw a very different TNC as they claimed victory in a dominating fashion, thanks to Kuku’s Queen of Pain and Raven’s Sven. Liquid took the third game with ease as Miracle’s Invoker shredded them to pieces. TNC forced Liquid for a game 5 by winning the fourth game as they once again combined the Queen of Pain with the Sven. The fifth and final game of the series started with TNC in the lead but a resilient Liquid fought back bravely to take home the trophy as well as $45,000.
Game 1
Team Liquid
Matumbaman – Lone Druid
Miracle – Terrorblade
Mind Control – Earthshaker
Gh – Keeper of the Light
Kuroky – Tusk
TNC Pro Team
Raven – Lycan
Kuku – Ember Spirit
Sam H – Dark Seer
TIMS – Sand King
1437 – Witch Doctor
Game 1 started off with Liquid drawing first blood by killing Kuku’s Ember Spirit in the 3rd minute. A three man wipe in the 4th minute gave Liquid the necessary advantage as Miracle completed his DragonLance by the ten minute mark.
TNC on the other hand, missed a lot of opportunities to stun and disable the enemy heroes which Liquid capitalized upon. By ten minutes, TNC was forced to play defensively as they reverted to their base and jungle. But, that didn’t stop Liquid as they completed a team wipe forcing TNC to call GG in the 25th minute.
Game 2
Team Liquid
TNC Pro Team

Game 2 saw a new TNC as they dominated Liquid, thanks to Kuku’s extra ordinary plays on the QoP. Combined with Raven’s Sven, the duo were unstoppable in team fights. First blood went to Liquid as they capitalized on Kuku’s aggressive style of play and eagerness to dive deep.
The game was even until the 14th minute when Liquid’s lineup was wiped off the map with Miracle dying twice in two minutes. From there, TNC went for multiple pick offs and team fights as their ‘Target Miracle’ strategy worked out perfectly.
Sam H was amazing on the Nyx Assassin as he provided vision when necessary and gave TNC valuable information.
Liquid finally called GG when they realized that they could no longer fight the Qop even with all five of them against her.
Game 3
Team Liquid

TNC Pro Team

Game 3 was the Miracle show as TNC presented him his signature Invoker. Despite being drawn as the first blood, Miracle didn’t lose hope as he ended the game on a high with a record of 13/3/6. With a Spectre in TNC’s lineup, Liquid knew that they had to finish the game before the Spectre comes online. That was what they did as they won three team fights in a row and robbed TNC’s chance of winning the game.
Miracle and Matumbaman were thorns on TNC’s side with them sharing 21 out of the 31 kills made by the team. TNC called GG in the 22nd minute as they couldn’t bear the humiliation.
Game 4
Team Liquid

TNC Pro Team

TNC reverted to their winning strategy by drafting Kuku’s Queen of Pain with Raven’s Sven yet again. With this lineup, TNC absolutely wasted Liquid, largely thanks to 1437’s amazing rotations on the Ogre Magi.
Kuku gave the first blood for the third time in 4 matches. But, the dual midlane matchup wasn’t favorable for Miracle’s Templar Assassin as he had to go back to his jungle to farm leaving the midlane for the Queen of Pain.
Sam H’s lassos were spot on as he either targeted Miracle or Matumbaman’s Ursa. With this game in the bag for TNC, Liquid were forced to play a game 5.
Game 5
Team Liquid

TNC Pro Team

Miracle once again got his signature Invoker as he wreaked havoc. TNC drew first blood by killing Kuroky’s Tusk. Matumbaman on the other hand went for the radiance bear build to push and complete the game as early as possible. With Sven and QoP banned by Liquid, TNC had no chance but to pick Phantom Lancer for the midlane matchup.
Gh produced some epic clutch hooks on Jakiro and eliminated him before the team fight even began. This hurt TNC badly as they took almost every fight without the ice path and the macropyre.
TNC once again missed most of their spells and disables as Liquid went on to take game five and the tournament.
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