Neon League accuses Hydra of match fixing in tournament


A professional gaming tournaments like Dota Pro Circuit (DPC) or Neon League of the game Dota 2 sees allegation of match-fixing on a professional team of Hydra. Accusations are made by Neon League.

It is not the first time that the tournament is not going on the right track. Recently, a team was caught using a bug to win matches. Just a few days after that incident, another accusation is made.

Dota 2 – HYDRA match-fixing allegations

Currently, the Hydra team is permofming in Eastern European Region where the Neon League is looking into the affairs of contest. In an ongoing match, Neon League noticed some peculiar behaviours during the matches.

Actually, the Team Hydra is a team of professional gamers. They currently compete in Eastern European Region in Dota Pro Circuit (DPC). However, the team was practising their skills in private esports tournament, Neon League. Neon League saw some eye-catching behaviours by the team, likewise going and initiating a fight, even when the field is favouring them.

As per the report of Neon League to the escorenews, 15-20 minutes before the game, bookmakers spotted unusual settings totaling $6,700. Typically, bets on their events don’t exceed $6-7 ahead of a match or $40-$50 live.

Even though it is professional team playing against a Team IVY, 90% of the bets claimed that they will lose. And the outcome of the match was so true as the bets predicted.

Good response from the Proffesional Team Hydra

The allegations were indeed not good for both the tournament and the team. In this regard, the team has disclaimed all the statements made by League, but has agreed to cooperate in this matter.

It is the matter of investigation to look for correct facts. But the professional team Hydra has given best they can you, and are willing to cooperate in this regard.