Team NP defeated Team Secret 2-1 in a grueling Bo3 series with a come back after they went 1-0 down. With an exhilarating 68 minutes first match, they had to fight hard to close the series. EternalEnvy’s chair finally triumphed against Puppey’s monitor.
Game 1
Team Secret


Game 1 started off well for NP as they drew first blood by killing YapzOr’s Clockwerk. EternalEnvy’s Bristleback was on point, hurting Team Secret’s heroes. Team Secret failed to counter the Bristleback even with an aggressive trilane.
Despite gaining the lead, they were unable to push Team Secret’s high ground multiple times. With MidOne’s brilliant plays on the Invoker, Secret could hold out on their own until NP’s heroes went offline in the late game. Secret duly capitalized on that as they could push the high ground with considerable ease.
With the game going sideways for them, they called GG after more than an hour of play and gifted Puppey the start he wanted. YapzOr was on point with his hook shots and cogs.
Game 2
Team Secret


MSS drew first blood on Puppey’s Jakiro as NP went off to a good start in Game 2. Secret’s lanes went much better than the first game with the exception of Khezu, who lost the lane to EternalEnvy’s Luna and the Treant Protector.
By ten minutes they were holding onto a very narrow lead with both teams trading blows to each other. The first big team fight didn’t start until the eighteenth minute when four of Team Secret’s five players were wiped out.
Securing a 3k gold lead, they had their path to the late game laid out. FATA was incredible on Lina as he, along with Aui secured a lot of kills early on. Team Secret couldn’t hang on to their dear lives and called GG in the 43rd minute.
Game 3
Game 3 was all NP as Secret couldn’t gain a strong footing. They drew first blood by killing off Puppey’s Crystal Maiden. After that, it was a cakewalk for them as they won team fight after team fight, forcing Secret to retreat to their own base.
Unlike the first game, they were able to push high ground with relative ease this time as FATA and EternalEnvy closed the game at the 33-minute mark.
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