The 30 Most Played DOTA Heroes… and Their Counters

The top 30 most played heroes and their counters, for your pleasure.Image used with permission by trungth @
The top 30 most played heroes and their counters, for your pleasure.Image used with permission by trungth @
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25. Sven

It’s fitting that this gank suited hero is also called the Rogue Knight. He’s a solid carry, and properly executed, his passive cleave and ult can cut your HP down to the quick. Don’t let yourself get caught in his stun with your teammates. It only takes a few attacks. You won’t live to regret it.

Hero counters: we think that Troll, Gyrocopter, Medusa, and Pugna are strong carries against Sven. Among support/utility choices, we like Keeper of the Light, Batrider, Lich, and Undying.

Item counters: for the love of God, don’t let him touch you while he’s got God Strength. Ghost Scepter and nuke, Eul’s/Guinsoo’s and flee, Force Staff and beat trails. Clear the room while he’s raging. Other than that, your best bet is to evade his attacks and kill him before he lands a hit (Heaven’s Halberd, Butterfly).

Next: 24. Crystal Maiden