The 30 Most Played DOTA Heroes… and Their Counters

The top 30 most played heroes and their counters, for your pleasure.Image used with permission by trungth @
The top 30 most played heroes and their counters, for your pleasure.Image used with permission by trungth @
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27. Ursa

Not a bear you want to hug. Fury Swipes and Overpower are a nasty combination that make this a hero you really don’t want to tangle with in melee combat mano y mano. Illusions and evasion can reduce his advantage to a iffy proposition in your favor.

Hero counters: carries that have performed well against Ursa include Brewmaster, Spectre, Broodmother, Chaos Knight, and Phantom Lancer. If you want to keep your distance from him, look to Drow, and Windranger. Support/utility heroes: Abaddon, Io, and Nyx Assassin.

Item counters: slow, silence, hex, stun – whatever you do, don’t let him get his claws on you. Ghost Scepter followed by a barrage of spells works well. Force Staff is a must if Ursa gets Blink Dagger. Silver Edge can disable his swipes, effectively de-clawing him.

Next: 26. Wraith King