The 30 Most Played DOTA Heroes… and Their Counters

The top 30 most played heroes and their counters, for your pleasure.Image used with permission by trungth @
The top 30 most played heroes and their counters, for your pleasure.Image used with permission by trungth @
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29. Lifestealer

N’aix the Lifestealer is powerful in lane, able to out DPS many agility heroes, and a solid anti-tank pick. Once Lifestealer builds up headway, he’s a ravenous hero killing machine. So don’t let him. Harass early, slow his farming, and keep. Your. Distance.

Lifestealer doesn't really understand the meaning of "personal space."
Lifestealer doesn’t really understand the meaning of “personal space.”

Hero counters: Heroes that can out DPS Lifestealer quickly or shut him down with stuns/silence are solid responses. Think Templar Assassin, Troll Warlord, Riki, Ursa, and Chaos Knight for carry picks. For utility heroes, we recommend Enigma, OmniKnight, and Beastmaster.

Item counters: Force Staff and Blink Dagger are excellent keep-away-from-me items to have in your inventory when playing against Lifestealer. Shadow Blade to Silver Edge can also be useful, along with interrupt items like Basher to Abyssal Blade.

Next: 28. Witch Doctor