The 30 Most Played DOTA Heroes… and Their Counters

The top 30 most played heroes and their counters, for your pleasure.Image used with permission by trungth @
The top 30 most played heroes and their counters, for your pleasure.Image used with permission by trungth @ /
13 of 31

19. Lion

This spellslinger can keep you out of the battle with disables. His abilities combo nicely, allowing him to stack on the damage and then finish you off with his ult at 6, the burstastic Finger of Pain. Keep his Mana Drain under control and you’ll find him easier to manage.

Hero counters: Lone Druid, Razor, Templar Assassin, Huskar. Utility – Treant, Visage, Chen, Techies, Sand King

Item counters:

Next: 18. Legion Commander