The 30 Most Played DOTA Heroes… and Their Counters

The top 30 most played heroes and their counters, for your pleasure.Image used with permission by trungth @
The top 30 most played heroes and their counters, for your pleasure.Image used with permission by trungth @ /
10 of 31

22. Lina

Unless you’ve got a hero that can shrug off burst damage, you’re going to want to play a careful game against Lina. Her stun can be tricky, but an experienced Lina won’t miss twice. Be on the lookout for level 6 and the world of pain that comes with her ult, Laguna Blade.

Hero counters: We’ve had success keeping Lina in check with carries like Lone Druid, Sniper, Queen of Pain, Chaos Knight, and Wraith King. If your team already has carry locked down, think about Winter Wyvern, Ogre Magi, Enchantress, and Undying.

Item counters: you can throw a monkey wrench in her spellbook with Linken’s Sphere or Lotus Orb. Magic resistance in the form of Glimmer Cape, Hood of Defiance, and Pipe of Insight can lessen the sting when a spell strikes.

Next: 21. Anti-mage