Special thanks to Josh G. of Houston, TX, (Twitter @JoshFLE) for providing the source material for this article. Now let’s take a look at TI6 fashion.
At The International 2016, the favorite teams among experts may be OG, Liquid, Newbee, and Wings, but the playing field has never felt more wide open. We’ve seen some surprising turns already.

You only have to look at Wildcard Ehome, currently leading Group B, to get the sense that the winner of this year’s International is anyone’s guess.
One important factor, however, seems to have been left out of most expert predictions. I’m talking, of course, about fashion sense. You can’t win those millions is you don’t look like you deserve it!
We’ve come up with rankings for each team’s jersey for this purpose. Will the fashion sense of the favorite teams be worthy of their TI6 aspirations? The answer might surprise you…
16. Wings (Pictured: Shadow, bLink, Faith_bian, Innocence, iceice)

A poor showing from a team held in such high regard. Their current jersey reminds me of what they wore back at The Summit 5, with only a few changes made to the original gray t-shirt with their team name in the middle in black.
The white edging and the way the blue at the center of the jerseys narrows at the chest gives the impression they’re wearing unitards. If only they had made the shirt all blue and kept the white collar, they’d have placed much better in our rankings.
Too bad. With their current fashion, they don’t stand much of a chance.
15. ViCi Gaming Reborn (Pictured: fy)
I honestly don’t know where to start with this one. I’m normally ok with logos at the bottom of a shirt, but how they’ve done it here with it in the middle throws everything off. This, however, is the least of their offenses.
The text toward the bottom of the jersey reads “Vici Gaming.” I’m well aware that VG.R belong to the same organization, but I feel strongly that a team jersey should show off the team’s own name, at the very least.
14. MVP.Phoenix (Pictured: MP, QO, Forev, DuBu, Febby)
MVP, I’m disappointed with you. You guys even have those nifty white jackets, which had you worn would have bumped you up in the TI6 fashion rankings. As things stand, the black shirt is too plain, and I’m honestly a little bothered by the text “MVP.Hot6ix.”
Next: 13. EHOME