The final day of the Group Stage of TI6 is here! We’ll be tracking the live results and finding the highlights so you can enjoy as much of the event as possible.
The group stage has been so great I almost don’t want it to end. Emphasis, there, on “almost.”

Day 3 ends the Group Stage of TI6. The main event will get started after a weekend recess, but be ready for the broadcast to start again, bright and early Monday the 8th at 10:00 PDT. If the format follows the Group Stage at all, you can expect the games to get started 30 minutes after the start of the broadcast at 10:30.
Much like the preceding days of the Group Stage, matches will start as soon as the previous game concludes and players are able to begin. You might want to keep some snacks handy so you don’t miss any early game first bloods.
But enough about that! Let’s take a look at how things stand heading into the action today.
The head of the wolf pack
If we can predict anything from the Group Stage, it’s that these teams mean business. After day two, Group A is led by EG with 8 points, OG with 7, and Wings at 6. Group B, much to my surprise, is headed by Wildcard Ehome with 9 points, DC with 8, and second place is a tie between Newbee and Liquid, each at 5 points.
One thing is certain – there’s still plenty of opportunity today for teams at the middle of the pack to make their bid for a strong seed going into the main event.
Post and viewing details
I’ll be updating the results for these games as I am able. After day one, highlights reels are coming a little bit more slowly, but I’ll be sure to post those when they’re available.
If you’re looking to watch the games live, check out the English live stream here. If that one’s too crowded, you might want to visit the English live stream 2, or even the English live stream 3. For our international friends, streams in other languages can be accessed here.
Group A #11 Results and Highlights
The first round of games for day 3 will start at 9:30 AM PDT.
OG vs TNC: 2 : 0
Highlights: Game #2 begins at 12:25.
Wings vs Navi: 0 : 2
Highlights: Second game starts at 5:40.
LGD vs EG: 1 : 1
Alliance vs Escape: 1 : 1
Highlights: Second game at 18:40. Game 1 has some incredible back and forth action – do recommend.
Related Story: TI6 Group Stage Day 1 Results/Highlights
Group A #12 Results and Highlights
Round 2 of day 3 starts off at 12:00 PM PDT.
EG vs Alliance: 0 : 2
Highlights: Game numero 2 begins at 14:00.
TNC vs Escape: 2 : 0
Wings vs LGD: 2 : 0
Highlights: no highlights for this one, yet.
OG vs Navi: 2 : 0
Highlights: the second game for this match begins at 9:40.
Group B #13 Results and Highlights
Series 13 of day 3 should begin at 2:30 PM PDT.
VG.R vs Ehome: 0 : 2
Highlights: still waiting on this one, too.
MVP vs Fnatic: 1 : 1
Highlights: game 2 at minute mark 15:15.
Liquid vs DC: 0 : 2
Highlights: the second game of this series starts at 15:50.
Newbee vs Secret: 2 : 0
Highlights: the second game of this highlights reel starts at 8:45.
Related Story: TI6 Group Stage Day 2 Results/Highlights
Group B #14 Results and Highlights
Series 14 is scheduled for 5:00 PM PDT.
Newbee vs MVP: 1 : 1
Highlights: second game starts at 9:00.
Liquid vs Secret: 0 : 2
Highlights: game two of this series begins at 15:20.
Fnatic vs VG.R: 2 : 0
Highlights: game 2 can be found at 7:50.
DC vs Ehome: 1 : 1
Highlights: game 2 of this series begins at 11:20.
Join the TI6 converstaion
With so much happening at TI6, we want to hear your opinions and analysis. Join us in keeping tabs on developments as TI6 moves from the Group Stage to the Main Event. We’ll also be tracking results, scheduling, and anything newsworthy that happens along the way.