Here at DireDota HQ, we’ve put together a list of the top 10 position 1 (hard carry) heroes. If you’re trying to master this position, these are some heroes you’ll want to practice.
The position 1 hero, also known as the hard carry, generally takes the safe lane. In most cases, a support will tag along to keep these slow starters from being harassed too much. As they assemble items and increase in stats, hard carries will become the rock upon which your team can build a victory. You can expect most of these heroes to have abilities that scale well as the game progresses.
When playing a carry hero, you have to be hungry for kills. You’ll need the every bit of gold you can lay your grubby mitts on, because your success will depend largely on what’s in your inventory. This means not only do you need to be kill-hungry, but you also need to be on high alert for enemy builds that could cause you trouble.

Your team relies on you when you’re playing hard carry, so starting out learning this position can be stressful. Some common items you’ll want to consider, depending on your choice in hero, include Battle Fury, Hands of Midas, Black King Bar, Eye of Skadi, Monkey King Bar, Abyssal Blade, and Daedalus.
Alright, with that brief overview of position 1 finished, let’s start off our list with…
10. Ursa
You may have already had the awe-inspiring experience of seeing Ursa tear through Rosh faster than an entire team of mid-level heroes. He’s one of the best solo Rosh picks in the game, and with his Overpower ability and his passive, Fury Swipes, he can squash even beefy heroes as though it were an afterthought.

High winrate items on Ursa:
- Abyssal Blade (76.92%)
- Monkey King Bar (71.03%)
- Sange and Yasha (70.85%)
- Skull Basher (62.92%)
- Blink Dagger (61.92%)
- Black King Bar (61.08%)
- Vladimir’s Offering (60.32%)
- Shadow Blade (57.75%)
- Phase Boots (56.36%)
9. Sven
Sven, the rogue knight, will require a little more finesse than Ursa – until you hit your ult, that is. With God’s Strength and his sick passive cleave, you can topple an entire team with just a few blows. His high damage makes him a strong candidate for lifesteal items.

High winrate items on Sven:
- Satanic (78.08%)
- Boots of Travel (77.49%)
- Assault Cuirass (74.73%)
- Daedalus (71.98%)
- Echo Sabre (60.04%)
- Blink Dagger (59.98%)
- Black King Bar (59.15%)
Next: 8. Morphling